Atulaya Radiology image


Radiology, also known as diagnostic imaging, is a series of tests that take pictures of images of parts of the body. The field encompasses two areas - diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

A variety of imaging techniques such as Radiography, Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography (CT), Nuclear Medicine including Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Fluoroscopy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose or treat diseases. Interventional radiology is the performance of usually minimally invasive medical procedures.

Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)

A Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) scan, is a diagnostic test used to measure bone density and assess the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. It is a safe and painless procedure that provides valuable information about the strength and health of your bones.

This innovative Bone Health Assessment by ultrasound technology which uses advanced REMS Technology i.e., Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry Technology which is a radiation free densitometry scanning technology helpful in diagnosing and monitoring of bone health through a simple echographic scan providing information on bone fragility at any age. This advanced BMD scan identifies the target bone interfaces within the sequence of acquired echographic images, discarding the artefacts and other noisy acquisitions.

This Scan is useful to evaluate the bone density at the vertebrae and femur without the use of X-rays through a simple , innovative and accurate radiations free technique that will allow the clinicians to provide information on lifestyle, nutrition and appropriate therapy.

This scan is useful in assessing bone health and provides us with Bone Density score, T-score, Z-Score along with Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate and Body fat percentage. This scan also provides a Bone quality Fragility Score useful in determining bone fragility estimation, evaluating the quality of the internal bone micro-architecture.
